I hold certifications as Commvault Certified Administrator (www.commvault.com), proficency certification in all Dell hardware products, and as a certified associate in Mac OS 10.6.
Wilker's Domain
My name is Joe Wilker and I am currently a System and Network Administrator at Edgewood College in Madison, WI. I graduated from the Univeristy of Wisconsin - River Falls with a degree is in Arts and Sciences in Liberal Arts majoring in Computer Science and information systems, with a minor in Mass Communications television emphisis. I have over 20 years of experience in the information technology field.
I hold certifications as Commvault Certified Administrator (www.commvault.com), proficency certification in all Dell hardware products, and as a certified associate in Mac OS 10.6.
I have been creating webpages since 1994, when I co-authored the first high school website in the State of Wisconsin. I've devloped all types of websites from basic sites, blogs, forums, college sites, large business, and e-commerce sites. I am knowledgeable using html, php, javascript, aspx, mysql & mssql, c++, and vbscript programming languages.
I also enjoy horseback riding, electronics, and classic gaming. Another of my projects that is in the works is creating a replica of the T.A.R.D.I.S from the BBC Series Dr.Who, 80% to scale, using wood, optics, and sound technologies.